Monday, March 31, 2008

Floglines #8

I have had a Bloglines account for some time, BUT let's just say I have been negligent- an unattended patch of weeds in my cybergarden. So for thing #8 I am changing my learning style drastically and reading all the tutorials about RSS feeds and aggregators FIRST then I am tackling the challenge. I have been frustrated with creating playlists in bloglines b/c it is cumbersome and annoying. So I will read the manual first. I promise. Sigh***

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Boning up on photo editors

Here is Sasha edited using the photo editor Picnik. I found this editor much easier to use than the more sophisticated Splashup. While I was able to bring my image onto the Splashup canvas I couldn't make it do anything to my photo.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sasha reading before the Edit

As you can see this is my amazing pooch Sasha who seems to be sleeping through Jonathan(not Jack) London's Sled Dogs Run. I had this image stored on my work computer so I decided to share it first off and then I wanted to play with the different free photo editors suggested by our challenge.

Monday, March 17, 2008


A roundabout way of getting Flickr to behave is by linking to a post on a blog without the relational problems. I set up a second blog to chart this very process.

Flickr to Blogger broken

Evidently this is a glitch that others are having. There are several discussions about the issue on Blogger Help Group, but I haven't yet seen a reolution. I was able to register with Wordpress where I have a partner blog.

#5 Is this what we mean by sketchy?

I found this image on Flickr and tried the "blog this" button which takes you through a process of connecting Flickr and Google (blogger host) so that you can actually post the image to your blog BUT access was denied so I am bummed this image of Spitzer and his wife won't be immediately visible but check it out. I was so taken by the photos of this disgraced couple. I think this EtchASketch artist did an amazing job at capturing the rage, shame, shock, and bewilderment on the faces of the disgraced couple.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Crafty dolls

I like to share quirky stuff so consider this a commercial break. I invite you to visit 2 friends Chloe and Louise- 2 9 year olds with varied interests. You can ask them questions if you'd like (just click on comments) or just ogle at their beauty. You may be surprised that Chloe's most checked out books are Nancy Drew mysteries. She loves movies with Grace Kelly. Remember this is not only a "commercial" post it also includes a helpful web 2.0 tip and that is "Leave comments."

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The invisible made visible

I solved my last problem by choosing a new template (son of Moto or something like that) which not only freed up space on my sidebar it inadvertantly showed me that the posting title is one color of your choosing and when you pass your cursor over it the hyperlink changes to whatever you designate as your "link hover color" so what I must have done wrong before is not designated a title color and when I clicked on the empty space the link color showed up!!

what up?

What's up with the invisibility cloak on my posting title? My last post 3, 4 Don't Shut the Door is a specter yet when you click in the space above the post voila there it is! Is this a google glitch? kk has had similar problems with gmail so maybe the collective brain can help me with materializing spells.

Friday, March 7, 2008

3, 4 Don't shut the door

I have now created and registered my OCL web things challenge blog. I hope I will get some traffic coming and going my way. Blogger is very easy to set up, but design is not as flexible as I'd like. No complaints though about the varieties of "green" from pea to chartreuse and back again to moss and mold.

Thing #1 and Thing #2

I'm a playah! I'm taking on the OCL webthings challenge because I want to connect with my library community in new and creative ways. I also want to learn and play with the new and emerging social networking technologies that our profession appears to have embraced.

Of the sevenandahalf Habits of highly successful lifelong learners the one I find the most challenging:

#1 Begin with the end in mind

the least challenging or easiest?

#7.5 Play